
Monday, December 19, 2011


I wear cute clothes on the reg. I've posted about 5 (ish) of my outfits (that quite frankly haven't been all that great) on, but I've since stopped because A) it felt too pretentious and B) I have better things to do with my time. I'm always curious as to what else these people who have so many posts do with their lives. I mean, okay, some people take a self picture with a Mac or PC or whathaveyou and that appears to take relatively little time. But what about the people that have full fledged photoshoots? "Oh, I just happened to casually spend every other fifth day in some obscure meadow where people take hundreds of pictures of me. If I'm not in a meadow, I can be found in some hipster-indie abandoned shack." I mean seriously? How do they do it? Is that all they do with their lives?? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS.

Hah, or don't. As I've said before, I've since stopped caring. Maybe it's just growing up and getting older (ew, never! I vow to remain five years old at heart until I die), but I've grown to realize that I just don't give a damn about what other people think of me (select people excluded from this general population). I will continue to live my life the way I want to, regardless if that means that I'm wearing black lipstick for a casual afternoon or throwing on excessive amounts of plastic costume jewelry for a formal event. I live my life for me and I highly suggest that you do the same.

And yes, I live by the age old adage that 'more is more is better'. Okay, so maybe that's not really age old, but whatevs, I'm coining it now.

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