
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reasons Why...

I am starting my period right now and it sucks. Whine and moan, you didn't need to know that, TMI, blah blah blah, whatever. It happens. I digress. While this situation is one of the reasons I can't stand being a female, there are so many more reasons why I'm happy being born the way I was. As much as I complain, etc, times like these are the ones in which I appreciate being a woman even more.

Reason 1: Free things
I love free stuff (duh!). I'm not talking about free alcohol at the bar, though. I mean all for guys buying me drinks and whatnot, but it's my personal belief that if you can't fund your way at the bar, then you shouldn't be there. The free things I'm thinking of are those little ones. Extra toppings on my salad or a free drink with lunch because I don't have enough cash on me? I bat my eyes and I'm good to go.

Reason 2: Confidence boosters
Yes, I know those men on the street are annoying when they catcall, but when I'm having a bad day, I take what I can get. Not that I'm typically a fan of watching someone slow down, hang out of their car window, and proceed to ask me "Where you going, sweet thang?". I'm just saying that on days that I feel my worst, at least someone finds me and my womanness sexy.

Reason 3: Lack of manual labor
What gentleman in his right mind is going to let a woman struggle with something? Now, I'm all for feminism and equality and the whole notion that women can do everything that men can do, but sometimes I just don't want to do it. I'm very much a fan of the fact that I can smile and sweetly ask one of the boys at work to carry the heavy bags filled with laundry down to the laundry room in 90 degree heat and humidity.

Reason 4: Things to fight for
Not that other groups of people don't have this, but women have quite the abundance. Equal pay for equal work, abortion rights, etc... I say yes to protests and defending what you believe in, even if I don't agree with your position. 

Reason 5: Awesome selections of shoes and clothes
Boys have awesome clothing and if you know me, then you know I'm a fan of the "borrowed boyfriend" look and wearing boys' clothes all day, but in my opinion women have a MUCH better selection. This needs no further explanation.

Obvi I have so many more reasons of why I love being a female, but this is just a little something to help me get through this week because goodness know I need it. If you need me at all, I'll be repeating this list of the joys of womanhood in my head while downing copious amounts of Motrin.

Something to do

Cultivating my new Pintrest addiction. Peace, bye. See ya later!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Good Lord, this song is so God awful that I won't make you listen to it, and honestly, I really can't stand Ke$ha aside from the select handful of traits that I can count on my left hand. In all seriousness though, this song, rather this poor attempt at lyric writing, is rather explanative of two key elements in my life. Hence, "Boots and Boys":

Boots and boys, oh

I think it's time that I mention
I've got myself an obsession
For the smell, for the touch
Keep that scruff lookin' rough

I know I've got myself a habit
But I gotta have it now
I don't care where, work it out
Let me break it down

I try it on, I take it off
So what you got?

Something 'bout boots and boys
They bring me so much joy
I gotta say it, I wear 'em both so pretty as I walk in the city
Watch out, boots and boys

Give me boots and boys
Give me boots and boys, boys

I'm keeping quite the collection
Take nothing less than perfection
Cowboy boots, cowboy boys
Oh, the joy

My men drop beats like a bomb
Excuse me now, huh?
Wind me up, spin me 'round
Oh, lookie what I found

Boots and boys
They bring me so much joy
I gotta say it, I wear 'em both so pretty as I walk in the city
Watch out, boots and boys

Give me boots and boys
(Crazy for you, crazy for you)
Give me boots and boys
(I'm crazy for you, crazy for you)
Give me boots and boys
(Crazy for you, crazy for you)
Give me boots and boys, boys, oh, oh

Hey, hey, hey, watcha looking at?
Hey, hey, hey, something you can't have
They've got me looking rad
You feelin' that?

Boots and boys
They bring me so much joy
I gotta say it, I wear 'em both so pretty as I walk in the city
Watch out, boots and boys

Something 'bout boots and boys
They bring me so much joy
I gotta say it, I wear 'em both so pretty as I walk in the city
Watch out, boots and boys

Give me boots and boys
(Crazy for you, crazy for you)
Give me boots and boys
(I'm crazy for you, crazy for you)
Give me boots and boys
(Crazy for you, crazy for you)
Give me boots and boys, boys, oh, oh

Boots and boys
Boots and boys, oh

And now, as retribution for that abhorrent mess above, let's drool:

Who are these men? I don't care. Google "shirtless men" and have yourself a party. And these boots? Stalk Shopbop and see why I'm obsessed, though unfortunately too broke to buy. Also, yes, I'm including booties in this post too. Deal with it. 

Oh, hey, information overload. Obvi this isn't everything I liked, but I thought I'd be a doll and save some goods for you.. ;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Who Says?

I adore Selena Gomez. I mean, seriously? Gorgeous, talented, and all about maintaining one's sense of self-worth. She is also the sole reason I watch Wizards of Waverly Place.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Emotional Obsession: Angst

Current obssession and inspiration: angst. Achieved by constantly feeling and looking pained and anguished. Accompanied by excessive ammounts of black eyeliner. See also: brooding.

The Scream by Edvard Munch. Oh hey, angst in 1893.

This comic = so relevant. Using all black for the win.

Teen angst in general. Appropriate. 

Angela from My So Called Life. Angst, angst, angst.

Gossip Girl: sex, booze, lies, and angst.

Angsty band: The Pretty Reckless. She was also a member of Gossip Girl. Correlation? Yes.

The Veronicas. Don't let their semi-pop sounding music fool you. It's merely disguising their angsty lyrics.

30 Seconds to Mars. Please note that Jared Leto was also a cast member of My So Called Life.

My Chemical Romance. Need I say more?

Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor and crew. Oh god.

Gareth Pugh, a super awesome and super angsty designer.

Taylor Momsen. Again. I know it's for the third time, but come on. She is the poster child for modern day super angst. I mean, just look at all that eyeliner.

A picture of me taken two weeks ago. Proof that I will forever be an angsty teenager.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Fave Jersey Boys

Can we just take a moment to stop and appreciate how awesome this band is? 

Aren't they cool? And this is just them with their Danger Days promo stuff. Speaking of, I just got back from seeing The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys show earlier tonight. OMG. I absolutely loved it. It makes me so excited when a band sounds as good live as they do on their CD. One thing I adored about this tour and this set list was that it incorporated songs from previous albums. I loved the fact that it wasn't just a straight Danger Days playlist, but that songs from all of their other albums were woven into the set. 

There was jumping. there was dancing, there was singing, and every now and then, there was the inclusion of a slower ballad to mix things up a little.  This band was so energetic and I definitely want to see them live again. They had fun, they were engaging, and all in all they were just plain AWESOME. 

Judge me as much as you want for liking My Chemical Romance, but I will never stop finding ways to release my inner emo/angsty teenage self. One way being to jump around and sing all the lyrics to every song like a crazy person. This was quite possibly one of the best uses of my money at the most necessary time and with the most necessary person. True, I didn't go to the end of the year theater major banquet, but I unashamedly rocked out to MCR with my sister. Worth it? More than. See you the next time they're back in town. Until then:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Music Mondays: Brit Brit

Love her. I especially love the last all-leather outfit that she wears at the end. Naturally, I want it, but I would tastefully keep the crotch intact.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I heard this on the radio this morning and I instantly was taken back to the days of Summerland, where I first became obsessed with Jesse McCartney. Ignore the fact that this isn't an official music video and enjoy random pictures of him while imagining that he's dedicating this song to you.

But, seriously, how could you not love this kid? 2:40 for the win.

My childhood. Not ashamed.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stop. Evaluate. Resume life.

Some people say I'm entitled, while others just say that I have all the luck in the world. Small amounts of luck aside, here's the truth: I get what I want because I'm not afraid to go after it. There has to come a point in your life when you realize that this is it. This the only shot you have at life and living and all that jazz. Step up to the plate and do things you want because you won't have another chance. Sure, you may instantly regret losing an additional 3 hours of sleep because you chose to venture into DC for a girls' night out, but don't let that stop you. It's cliché, but it's true. 5 years from now, you aren't going to remember how sleep deprived you were, but I guarantee that you will remember having an awesome time.

So what should you take from this? Nothing. Everything. Don't be afraid to take steps in your life in order to get what you want and where you want to be. Want to throw a party? Do it. Afraid that no one will show up? Who cares because the people that really matter will be there. The greatest adventures and memories often stem from things going horribly wrong. Cute boy across the room? Make a move and say something interesting to him first. Afraid of rejection? His loss, plain and simple. Ask and you may receive, don't ask and you won't even have a chance.

P.S. You're not allowed to use the fact that I said I have small amounts of luck as an excuse. Everyone has luck, you make it yourself. As for believing in destiny? Don't do it. I live by the idea that my girl Blair Waldorf so eloquently stated, "Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen."

Sexy Saturdays: Paul Rodriguez, Jr.

I love Spanish men. I love skateboarders. Solution: Paul Rodriguez, Jr. 
(Though to be PC, he's Mexican-American..)

About that man candy: You're Welcome. 

To not seem as sexually objectifying as I just did, here are some pictures of him being talented at something other than looking good.

And apparently he's a family man. Presh.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Celeb Style: Kate Hudson

All day, erry day, I love me some Kate Hudson. She always looks like she's having fun. Plus, her casual, relaxed style is super cute and easy to copy. Note to self: things I need to buy more of include comfy sweaters, knee-high boots, and structured bags.