
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Reasons Why...

I am starting my period right now and it sucks. Whine and moan, you didn't need to know that, TMI, blah blah blah, whatever. It happens. I digress. While this situation is one of the reasons I can't stand being a female, there are so many more reasons why I'm happy being born the way I was. As much as I complain, etc, times like these are the ones in which I appreciate being a woman even more.

Reason 1: Free things
I love free stuff (duh!). I'm not talking about free alcohol at the bar, though. I mean all for guys buying me drinks and whatnot, but it's my personal belief that if you can't fund your way at the bar, then you shouldn't be there. The free things I'm thinking of are those little ones. Extra toppings on my salad or a free drink with lunch because I don't have enough cash on me? I bat my eyes and I'm good to go.

Reason 2: Confidence boosters
Yes, I know those men on the street are annoying when they catcall, but when I'm having a bad day, I take what I can get. Not that I'm typically a fan of watching someone slow down, hang out of their car window, and proceed to ask me "Where you going, sweet thang?". I'm just saying that on days that I feel my worst, at least someone finds me and my womanness sexy.

Reason 3: Lack of manual labor
What gentleman in his right mind is going to let a woman struggle with something? Now, I'm all for feminism and equality and the whole notion that women can do everything that men can do, but sometimes I just don't want to do it. I'm very much a fan of the fact that I can smile and sweetly ask one of the boys at work to carry the heavy bags filled with laundry down to the laundry room in 90 degree heat and humidity.

Reason 4: Things to fight for
Not that other groups of people don't have this, but women have quite the abundance. Equal pay for equal work, abortion rights, etc... I say yes to protests and defending what you believe in, even if I don't agree with your position. 

Reason 5: Awesome selections of shoes and clothes
Boys have awesome clothing and if you know me, then you know I'm a fan of the "borrowed boyfriend" look and wearing boys' clothes all day, but in my opinion women have a MUCH better selection. This needs no further explanation.

Obvi I have so many more reasons of why I love being a female, but this is just a little something to help me get through this week because goodness know I need it. If you need me at all, I'll be repeating this list of the joys of womanhood in my head while downing copious amounts of Motrin.

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